Before You Start
Verify your friend has a GETIN account with their phone number
Ensure you're within the transfer window (opens ~1 week before the event)
Check that transfers are enabled for this event
Step-by-Step Transfer Process
Open the GETIN app
Go to the "My Tickets" section
Select the ticket you want to transfer
Click "Transfer Ticket"
Choose a recipient from your contacts or enter their phone number
Select the number of tickets to transfer
Confirm Transfer
Important Deadlines
Transfers close 1 hour before the event starts
The exact deadline is shown on your ticket
Some events may have different transfer windows
If the Transfer Button is Missing
This might happen because:
You're outside the transfer window
The event organizer hasn't enabled transfers
The event has transfer restrictions
Need Help?
If transfers aren't available or you're having issues, contact our support team with:
Event name
Ticket ID
Recipient's information
Note: Transfers are only possible between registered GETIN users. This helps prevent unauthorized reselling and keeps tickets in the hands of real fans.
The Mobile web app references screenshots of the process
1. An inactive Ticket available for Transfer
2. The Transfer Receipt dialog
3. Transfer confirmation
The Transfers Tab
After your ticket transfer is done, you can view the status under the "Transfer" tab.
Common Issues & Solutions
Transfer Button Missing?
Check if you're within the transfer window
Verify event allows transfers
Ensure you're logged into the correct account
Recipient Can't Accept?
Confirm they've registered with the correct phone number
Ask the original ticket holder to initiate the transfer again after registration
Verify they're using the official GETIN platform
Transfer Failed?
Check that the recipient has completed registration
Verify transfer window hasn't expired
Ensure no unauthorized third-party services are involved
Security Notes
Only use the official GETIN platform for transfers
Beware of scams requesting transfer codes via SMS
Never share authorization codes with 3rd parties
Never purchase unconfirmed 3rd party tickets (An email doesn't qualify as a ticket)