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Creating an Event
Updated over a year ago

Easily create an event on Get-In!

To create your event, simply access your account, select the plus (+) sign located in the top corner of the page, input the necessary event and ticketing information, make any desired adjustments to the advanced settings, and finalize by entering your payment details before publishing the event.

In order to create an event:

  1. Log into your GetIn account and go to “My Events” workspace. Click on the “create new event” button, or from the main screen, while connected to your GetIn account, click on the plus (+) sign on the top right corner

  2. In the “Create New Event” screen fill in the event details
    Event title - Choose a descriptive title for your event. Emojis are supported 🥳
    Event Address - To make sure your event’s details are accurate, you can include the venue as well as the full address in this box. Please keep in mind that this box is not connected to Google Maps, so it is important to be as accurate as possible when filling in the details.
    Set the Start & End date and time for your event.
    Please choose the language in which you want your event page to be displayed.
    Event Description - Communicate with your audience! Share information about the production, artists, venue, or any other relevant details. You have the option to select from a variety of fonts, such as bold or italic, and enhance your message with images, videos, and hyperlinks.

  3. Upload Photos - Adding an event image makes the event more interesting and appealing. You can read more regarding this topic in the article "Upload Photos To Your Event".

  4. Fill in your Ticket Settings:
    Upload Ticket Image - When creating a ticket, you can assign an image to the ticket for visual recognition during the purchase process. It is important to keep in mind that this image will not be included with the ticket that is sent to the customer through email or SMS.
    Ticket type - Signing up for registration is free, while the Regular ticket requires purchase at a set price.
    Name - Give your ticket an name like “Early Bird” or “General Admission”
    Specify the start date and time, as well as the end date and time, for each ticket.
    Specify the number of tickets that you would like to make available for purchase.
    Limit Tickets - If you’d like, you can limit the amount of tickets purchased per order
    Price - add the ticket price. Note a commission fee will be added to the total on the payment screen.
    Item Comment - here you can add what's included in the ticket for instance “Early entrance” or “Soft drinks included”
    Add Category - To help your event get the exposure it deserves, be sure to add categories to your listing so customers can find it when browsing our website by categories.

  5. Set your Advanced settings:
    Choose the type of currency you would like to receive.
    Pick a time zone for your event.
    Friendly URL - You can add up to 15 characters of your choice that will appear in your URL, this can help make your link more memorable! You can read more on this topic in the "Create a Friendly URL" article.
    Deal type - Individual purchase form will request information about each attendee. A group purchase form will ask to provide information only about the ticket buyer, leaving the other tickets listed as "sub participants"
    Individual attendee approval - If you check this box, you will have the ability to manually approve/decline/waitlist each purchase. The purchases will remain in a “pending” status until approved or declined. If you do not check the box, each purchase will be automatically approved.
    Event privacy settings - Public events will be displayed on our website whilst private events will be hidden and can only be accessed if you have the link.
    Minimum age format - Set the minimum age based on age or DOB, you can also choose not to set a minimum age.
    Purchase form settings - choose the fields you wish to be required upon purchase.
    You can also add your own in the ״manage custom fields״ options by simply adding the question title and the type of answer (text, single choice, multiple choice or dropdown). Choose if you would like to set the question as required and save.

  6. Bank Account Info - Add your bank account information

  7. Read & accept the terms of use and save the event 🥳

Your event has been successfully created and is now pending our approval.

Thank you for choosing our platform and we look forward to seeing your team thrive!


The Get-In Team ❤️

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